The Problue Hunter Knife is a slimline low profile knife, and is the sharpest knife in the Problue knife range. It features a 4.5 inch 420 stainless steel blade with a pointed tip. The blade is only 4.0mm thick making it incredibly slim and streamlined. It features a compact quick release handle with a twin click system that creates a positive secure lock, but is also easy to release and can easily be done one handed.
It has full length tang with the metal protruding from the butt creating a small end for hammering if required. There is a hole at the base of the handle for a lanyard attachment. The super sharp blade has a serration on one side and line cutter near the base of the handle.
The Knife also comes with leg straps that have a belt buckle cinching set- up, with the holes in the straps coming perforated but un-punched, so they can be adjusted according to individual preference. It is a fantastic spear fishing berley knife.
Problue Hunter Knife Features:
- Low-profile knife
- Sharpest knife in the ProBlue range
- 4.5" Blade length
- 4mm thick blade
- 420 Stainless Steel
- Double sided serrated/cutting edge blade
WARNING: Titanium is the only blade on the market that is 100% guaranteed to resist rust. Even the best quality stainless steel will get surface rust. To reduce the accumulation of surface rust, it is recommended that the knife blade be rinsed with fresh water after each use and is dried immediately afterwards, to prevent the any yellow 'water spots' from forming on the blade surface. To prevent water spots from occurring apply anti-rusting agent to the knife blade after each use. DO NOT TRY TO REMOVE 'WATER SPOTS' BY GRINDING, USE A PURPOSE DESIGNED CALCIUM LIME REMOVER (C.L.R).